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Chi-square test was used for the assessment of the qualitative data. EPDS-Total 1 Utanç , başa çıkma , geçerlik , güvenirlik , Utanç Pusulası Ölçeği. Addictive Behaviors, 30 7 , Prenatal diagnosis and clinical significance of hypoplastic umbilical artery. Perinatal Journal ; 29 3.
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merhaba bursa tenimin ateşinde yanmak icimdeki ateşi söndürmek ister misin 0 5#cekirge travesti sorunları türkiye ve her. Ethiopia has the highest maternal and neonatal tetanus morbidity and mortality rates. Besides, only 49% of mothers get vaccinated with adequate. Bir Hülya Avşar Sohbeti⭐ Otuzuncu bölüm konuğu Merve Taşkın ⭐ Her hafta 'da görüşmek üzere⭐ Sosyal Medya Hesaplarım. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between peripartum depression and social support, marital satisfaction, and self-differentiation.Comparing shame in clinical and nonclinical populations: Preliminary findings. Umeå Universitet, Umeå. DSI-FO 1 0. Article info Online publication date: December 02, A study in full term placentas from AGA infants with normal umbilical artery blood flow. Similarly, the study of Cho et al. The effects of dispositional anger, effortful control and maternal responsiveness on Turkish preschoolersemotion regulation İ Metin Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü , The experience of shame in psychotherapy supervision. Complex umbilical cord entanglement. Peritraumatic dissociation as a mediator of peritraumatic distress and PTSD: a retrospective, cross-sectional study. The favorable obstetric outcomes observed in the presence of discordance in some studies were attributed to the protective role of the anastomosis. Those who accepted to participate were guaranteed confidentiality and anonymity. Clinical Psychology Review, 8 1 , The following articles are merged in Scholar. Open in a new tab. J Diagn Med Sonogr ;—3. In order to test the construct validity of CoSS an exploratory factor analysis EFA with varimax rotation was conducted and its correlations with theoretically similar constructs were tested. Akıncı, İ. The cases were divided into two groups by the presence of single or multiple cord entanglement and the umbilical cord and placental histopathological findings and obstetric outcomes were compared. Study limitations There are several limitations to this study. Citations per year. You can search published articles. Selçuk Medical Journal ;—8. Self-harm in a mixed clinical population: The roles of self-criticism, shame, and social rank. North Clin Istanb. Fetal Diagn Ther ;—9.