As can be seen from the chart above, the village was exclusively populated by Turkish Cypriots, apart from a small number of Greek Cypriots who lived in the village until Afterthe population of the village became stagnant and gradually declined. From its original population no one was displaced; however, the village served temporarily as a reception centre for displaced Turkish Cypriots in and From toit was administratively part of the Turkish Cypriot enclave of Galateia According to geographer Richard Patrick, in there were no displaced Turkish Cypriots residing in the village. It was always exclusively populated by Turkish Cypriots. The origin of the name Galinoporni is obscure. Some claim that it derives from Greek name for French prostitutes: Galia French porni prostitute. It is also claimed that during the Lusignan period, the village was used as a place of banishment for prostitutes who had diseases Erciyas Since the Galinoporni name existed before the arrival of the Ottomans, the latter version Kaleburnu must have been a corrupted version of the former. Displacement: From its original population no one was displaced; however, the village served temporarily as a reception centre for displaced Turkish Cypriots in and Current Inhabitants: Currently, the village is mainly occupied by its original inhabitants. Due to its isolated location and distance to the cities, the majority of youth tend to migrate to cities or abroad. The population continuously declined afterdropping from persons in to Escort Gırls Turkish Cyprus and then to in London: Colonial Office. Department of Statitstics and Research,
Retrieved 1 October The Global Gender Gap Report. Keywords Cyprus , gender , gender equality , perception , woman. Archived from the original on 15 August Mamuk, R. Abstract This cross-sectional and descriptive study aims to identify the gender perception and the affecting factors in individuals from Northern Cyprus.
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